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The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之二


1 Straight ahead to your left 直走,左手边拐进去

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CHARLOTTE: Miss Amelia, welcome.

MIA: Hi.

CHARLOTTE: Straight ahead to your left. Her Majesty is ready for you in the library.

CLARISSE: Charlotte, take notes, will you? Amelia, circle slowly so I can evaluate the work to be done. Amelia! Does your bad posture affect your hearing? Turn.

MIA: Oh, sorry.

CLARISSE: No, no, no. Slowly, turn. Slowly. Thank you. Well, carriage, obviously. Hairstyle. Complexion... Stop! Eyes...lovely...but hidden beneath bushman eyebrows. The neck is seemly. Ears... like her father.

MIA: Really? They are?

CLARISSE: Oh, my! Who has nails like these?

MIA: Everybody.

CLARISSE: Tomorrow I would like to see clean fingers. And you will wear stockings. Not tights, not socks. And I never want to see those shoes again. When walking in a crowd, one is under scrutiny all the time. So we don"t slump, like this. We drop the shoulders, we think tall, we tuck under and transfer the weight from one foot to-- No. Princesses never cross their legs in public. Why don"t you just tuck one ankle behind the other and place the hands gracefully on the knees.

MIA: Aah!

CLARISSE: Charlotte, I think it"s time for tea.



1. Straight ahead to your left.


2. Tights


I want a pair of tights to go with this sweater.

3. Under scrutiny

Scrutiny 指“观察,监督”。When walking in a crowd, one is under scrutiny all the time. 这句话的意思是“当我们走在人群中时,众人都在看着我们的一举一动”,意即皇室成员总是受到关注,因此更应该注意仪态。

4. Slump

指“耷拉着肩膀”,懒散地坐着,站着,给人一种萎靡、颓废的感觉,例如:I read defeat in the slump of his shoulders.

5. Think tall

Think tall 这里的意思是“be proud, walk with dignity”,要带着皇家的威严。

6. Drop the shoulders

就是“shoulders back”,挺胸,自然就不会耸肩了。

7. Tuck under

Tuck under 这里指的是“收下巴”,若是昂着下巴,就会显得不可一世。例如:He tucked his chin into his chest.

8. Cross one"s legs

Cross one"s legs 是指双腿交叉,既可以指中文里的“二郎腿”,也可以指中文里的“盘膝而坐”,总是凡是交叉着腿的,英文里都叫 cross one’s legs。例如:Jean sat with her legs crossed.



Differences between the film and novel

There are many major differences between the film and novel. While they essentially follow the same plot, there were additional sequences written for the film to produce more drama. Mia is portrayed as a very awkward adolescent, and while in the film she is more comfortable with herself after the makeover, in the book she becomes more uneasy. Other major differences include the following:

In the novel Mia"s grandmother, Clarisse Renaldi, is not the Queen of Genovia, but instead the dowager princess. She is less considerate of Mia"s feelings and is somewhat clueless about the lives of non-royal people. She frequently dresses in purple to emphasize her social status and speaks French most of the time. Clarisse has few heartfelt moments.

In the novel Mia"s father, Philippe Renaldi, is not dead. Instead he is a survivor of testicular cancer and is physically incapable of producing another heir. Because Mia is his only daughter, this forces her to take the Genovian throne.

While the film introduced Joe, the novel excludes his character. Mia has a bodyguard named Lars, who bears some distinction and similarity to Joe. Clarisse and Lars do not hint a romantic relationship like Clarisse and Joe do in the film.

In the novel Lana does not have friends named Ana and Fontana and Lilly does not have a friend named Jeremiah. Mia has many other friends than Lilly and Michael, including Boris Pelkowski, Ling Su Wong, Shameeka Taylor, and Tina Hakim Baba (whom she befriends during a fight with Lilly).

Other small changes include Lilly"s cable show, which is titled Lilly Tells It like It Is in the novel and Shut Up and Listen in the film. Mia"s teacher who dates her mother Helen is not Mr. O"Connell and instead Mr. Gianini, who has a much larger role in the novel.

Josh and Lana"s surnames are different in the film. Originally they were Richter and Weinberger respectively, and not Bryant and Thomas. Although it was never disclosed why Josh"s surname was changed, Garry Marshall said that "Thermopolis" and "Thomas" are close together alphabetically, which indicates that Mia and Lana would sit near each other in their classes.

In the novel, Mia Thermopolis lives in an apartment; in the movie, she lives in a house. Her neighbor in the novel is Ronnie, not Mr. Robatussen.

In the book Mia ruins Lana"s outfit with ice-cream in defence of Tina Hakim Baba (who is not mentioned in the movie), not Jeramiah (who is not even in the book).

Mia does not tell Lilly that she is a princess in the book. And in the book Mia gets into a huge fight with Lilly when Lilly finds out that she is a princess, in the movie their bond gets stronger.

Mia does not have a car in the book.

In the book Mia"s paternal grandmother does not go out for fun with Mia.

In the novel, Clarisse Renaldo lives in the suite of the La Plaza Hotel while visiting New York. In the movie, she lives in a large house. In the novel, Grandmere (Clarisse Renaldo) owns a toy poodle named Rommel.

In the novel, Mia goes to Albert Einstein High School. The name in the movie is changed to Garden Grove High School.

In the novel, Josh makes out with Mia on the doorstep to Albert Einstein High School, since they were on their way to a school dance. In the movie, they were attending a beach party instead of a dance, and Josh kissed Mia outside the supplies cabin.

In the novel, Michael Moscovitz did not work at a car repair shop. He was musically gifted, however.

Fat Louie is ginger in the book, not black and white as in the movie.

According to the novel Mia does not move to Genovia in the end.

In the book Mia calls her paternal grandmother "Grandmere" and not Grandma.

In the book Mia"s maternal Grandmother is not dead.

In the novel, it was Grandmere who publicized Mia"s royal heritage, not Paolo.

There was no Genovian Independence Day Ball in the novel.

In the movie, Mia was turning 16 and had a learner"s permit in driving. In the series, Mia did not turn 16 until book seven and a half: Sweet Sixteen Princess. She was 14 in books one, two, three, and four. She turned 15 in book five, and was 15 until book seven and a half. In the series, she is currently 16 and in her junior year of high school.

In the book, Mia lives in New York, not San Francisco like in the film.




1. Well, carriage, obviously. Hairstyle. Complexion... Stop! Eyes...lovely...but hidden beneath bushman eyebrows. The neck is seemly. Ears... like her father.

2. When walking in a crowd, one is under scrutiny all the time. So we don"t slump, like this. We drop the shoulders, we think tall, we tuck under and transfer the weight from one foot to-- No. Princesses never cross their legs in public.

The princess diaries《公主日记》1 精讲之一 考考你 参考答案

1. Welcome, Miss Thermopolis. We"ve been expecting you.


2. The tea is served, ma"am.


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