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用英文如何表达西游记人事物呢?经典不会过时 get必备英语技能



"Journey to the West" is a timeless Chinese classic that has captivated audiences for centuries. This epic tale features a colorful cast of characters such as Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, and the Buddhist monk Xuanzang on their journey to retrieve sacred Buddhist scriptures from India. The story is full of adventure, humor, and moral lessons, making it an essential part of Chinese literature and culture. In this article, we will explore how to express the people and things from "Journey to the West" in English, providing an opportunity for readers to expand their vocabulary and better understand the cultural significance of this beloved tale. By mastering the English names and descriptions of the characters, locations, and objects from this classic, readers will gain a valuable skill that will enable them to appreciate and discuss "Journey to the West" in an international context. Join us as we delve into the world of "Journey to the West" and unlock the essential English language skills needed to fully appreciate this enduring masterpiece.

学习一种语言是了解对方文化的过程,中文的意境很强,中国传统神话名著《西游记》(Pilgrimage to the West或者Journey to the West)人物事件,应该怎样用英文来表达呢?这是我们自己的文化,你在交流时总不能只会说对方文化吧,自己的经典也是要知道的。我们的猴子早就在世界上惊艳八方了,收藏下来没错的。语言的魅力在于交流沟通,简单表达,对方正确理解到你所要表达意思,这是重点。

一、 事件

大闹天宫五百年之后,观音传如来佛祖授意,钦点长安化生寺小僧玄奘前往西天求取救世度人的三藏真经。It's been 500 years after the Monkey King's havoc in heaven。The Mercy Goddess proclaims the Buddha's deccree and appoints Xuanzang,a little monk from Chang'an to go to the West and fetch the Buddhist scriptures。

大闹天空the Monkey King's havoc in heaven或wreak havoc in heaven

五百年之后500 years after;五百年之前500 years ago

东土大唐The Great Tang Dynasty in the East;长安Chang'an

西天the West/前往西方go to the West;大雷音寺the Thunder Monastery

救世度人三藏真经(佛教的三藏真经)the Buddhist scriptures;三藏真经the scriptures

取经to fetch the scriptures/for fetch scriptures;取经人the scripture fetcher/Mr.Scripture Fetcher

十万八千里One the way of 36000 miles;如来佛祖/佛祖释迦牟尼 The Buddha/Buddha

菩萨The Goddess观音The Mercy Goddess/The Goddess of Mercy观音菩萨/观世音/观世音菩萨/观自在菩萨:能闻声救苦,到处行慈运悲,太虚大师说:"慈悲济物即观音。" 所以英文用了 mercy仁慈,怜悯。

二、 人物

1-唐三藏Xuanzang;金蝉子Golden Cicada、小和尚/小僧a little monk;圣僧Holy monk(女儿国“悄悄问圣僧,女儿美不美”);师父master、长老reverend sir

2-孙悟空/悟空Sun Wukong/Wukong;齐天大圣the Monkey king美猴王the Handsome Monkey King;猴哥Bro Monkey大师兄Big brother

金箍棒Golden Cudgel,如意金箍棒/无敌金箍棒Inapproachable golden cudgel

金箍gold hoop金箍咒the Incantation of the Golden Hoop

筋斗云/腾云驾雾 cloud somersault /Somersault Cloud;火眼金睛Fiery Eyes

花果山the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit;水帘洞Water Curtain Cave

两界山Double Boundary Mountai;五行山/五指山Five Elements Mountain

3-白龙马the dragon horse/white dragon horse

八戒Bajie;猪刚鬣Zhu Ganglie;二师兄Bro Bajie

沙僧/悟净Sha Wujing/Wujing;老沙/沙师弟Bro Sha


阿弥陀佛Amitabha;佛珠/念珠prayer beads;度化enlightenment;度化众生to enlighten people;度过劫难overcome doom

轮回reincarnation/the cycle anymore;再世为人reincarnation into human;去往生极乐/去极乐世界to nirvana;福报karmic reward/good fortune;今生/此生in this life;前世previous life;来世 next lifetime(九世nine lifetime)

施主alms giver/benefactor(如果双方在对话,可直接称“sir/madam”);尊驾Gentleman(这里是调侃时用的称呼);小鲜肉young boy萌cute 风骚Coquettish;人human;神仙immortals;凡人/凡胎肉体mortal

妖怪monster妖气demonic;孽畜/孽障Evil creature妖孽demon/Evil demon;白骨精White Bone Spirit

飞灰烟灰vanish completely/烟消云散completely vanish ;回魂soul returned/The returned soul 魂兮归来;金身不坏body is intact;面见如来to see the Buddha in person


本文中所有图片及台词对白句子,取自电影版《西游记之孙悟空三打白骨精》,也称为The Monkey king 《大闹天宫》

1-这取经路上的每一难皆为造化,每一步皆是修行。Every suffering on the journey is predestined.Every step is a spiritual practice.

2-悟净,经书上说“一念迷是众生,一念觉是佛”Wujing,a scripture says that being deluded,a Buddha is everyone, while being awakened,everyone is a Buddha.

3-光阴如梭,未必是世间良药。念念相续,苦痛里都是执着passing time is not necessarily a good cure. pain comes from stubbornness

4-度化众生,我若不入地狱,即便我是到了大雷音寺也取不了到真经To enlighten people if I don't get in hell even is I could reach the Thunder Monastery,I would not get the scriptures.

5-一世不消,我度一世;十世不消,我度十世If she can't change her doom,I'll help her throughout life.If not so after ten lifetimes,I'll be helping as well,without fail.

6-一世不来,我等你一世;十世不来,我也等十世。If you can't come back for a lifetime,I'll wait throughout this life.If not so after ten lifetimes,I'll be waiting as well,without fail.

7-你火眼金睛看的是真相,但是你师父看的是心相.what your Fiery Eyes see is truth but what your master sees is heart。

8-一直以来,你用自己的错与对去看别人的对与错,You have always been judging others with your own standard of right or wrong

收集不易,本文《用英文如何表达西游记人事物呢?经典不会过时 get必备英语技能》知识如果对你有帮助,请点赞收藏并留下你的评论。

  1. 薰衣草属于你的依恋明珍2024-03-06 11:19薰衣草属于你的依恋明珍[北京市网友]
    Mastering the vocabulary and expressions related to Journey to the West in English is definitely a key skill to have – its a classic that will always be relevant!
  2. Hugo2024-03-06 10:59Hugo[上海市网友]
    Learning to discuss characters and events from Journey to the West in English is essential – its a timeless classic that everyone should know about!
  3. 唯一挚爱2024-03-06 10:38唯一挚爱[西藏网友]
    Wow, talking about timeless classics! The story of Journey to the West will never get old. Plus, learning to express it in English is definitely a must-have skill!



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